One is taut and stretched; the other, loose and relaxed. Two hands, symbolising two worlds, of two humanities, on the verge of touching each other. One thirsting for knowledge, the other eager to quench that thirst with the knowledge it holds. What new beginning will this intimate encounter lead to? What new learning process will this spark? This work revisits in detail a panel of Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. Here, the artist is fascinated by the various interpretations of the separation of Adam and his Creator, evoked by their reaching out to one other. Separation as a rupture between Man and his Gods, separation as a metaphor for man’s defiance of religious doctrines, separation as a destiny fulfilled by the devotion of man. The artist removes all defining human characteristics evoked in these hands, giving them a new, universal dimension.
« So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. »
Genesis, 1.27